
Mayor Barrett F. Pedersen
(847) 671-8236
Email Mayor Pedersen

Mayor's Executive Assistant
Sandra Alarcon
(847) 671-8236
Email Sandra Alarcon





Watch the video highlighting the Village's commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks in our country. The event also paid tribute to Franklin Park’s first responders.   



Mayor Barrett Pedersen reminds residents that it is not too late to get a flu shot. Contact your healthcare provider or visit a local walk-in clinic or pharmacy to receive your flu vaccine as well as a COVID first, second, or booster vaccine.


Pedersen Named Mayor of the Year

Mayor Barrett Pedersen was named Mayor of the Year by the West Central Municipal Conference. He was given the Donald E Stephens Award of Excellence for his exemplary leadership and his devotion to the Village and to the region. The Mayor was selected for his vision in making Franklin Park a leading manufacturing center and a safe, stable, family-friendly community.



Village Receives Sculptures from Former Motorola Headquarters

The cement Bas-reliefs were sculpted by the artist Costantino Nivola at the American-Marietta Company’s plant formally located in Franklin Park.They were on display at the Motorola Building and were removed prior to demolition and have been donated to the Village for display again in the near future.

Mayor,_Araceli,_Karen_Special Mayor,_Karen_Special,_NicholasMayor,_Karen_Special,_Milo

Mayor For A Day Writing Contest

The winner of this year’s ”Mayor for a Day” writing contest was Nicholas Aguinaga who attends Pietrini Elementary School who wrote a thoughtful essay on ways to encourage our residents to give back to the community. Nicholas and the two runners-up, Araceli Medico Lara who attends North Elementary School and Milo Koziol, a student at Passow Elementary School, received a special Certificate of Appreciation from Mayor Barrett Pedersen and Trustee Karen Special at a Board Meeting.



Mayor Pedersen was named Lions’ Club Citizen of the Year in 2024.

He was recognized for his dedication to improving the quality of life of our residents including co-hosting the annual Senior Thanksgiving Dinner and annual Police Officer and Firefighter of the Year event and sponsoring an annual Health Fair and Vaccine Clinic. The Mayor was also recognized for his passion for preserving our environment.  




Support for Ukraine

I was pleased to welcome Pavlo Bandriwsky, Vice President of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America IL Division to speak at a board meeting. The Council asked for donations of first aid kits, retired body armor, military grade helmets, and police vests. The people of Franklin Park have been incredibly supportive of, and generous to, the Ukrainian efforts to retain their independence and liberty. Franklin Park stands in solidarity with the heroic people of Ukraine. They are in our thoughts and prayers. Let’s all continue to help in every way possible to end this unjust war. 

To learn more or to make a contribution to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America go to  uccaillinois.org.

The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America - Illinois Division (UCCA-IL) -  A non-profit all-volunteer organization that works to  promote the preservation of the Ukrainian language, culture, and traditions of Ukraine.  uccaillinois.org


Digital Realty Substation Ribbon Cutting

Mayor Barrett Pedersen joined ComEd officials, and representatives from Digital Realty to cut the ribbon for a brand new four-acre substation located on Digital's data center campus. The substation includes new transformer technology and electrical upgrades that are essential to meeting growing demand in Franklin Park.

Press Release: 11.7.22_ComEd, Digital Realty cut ribbon on substation



Mayor Pedersen Earns Distinguished Service Award - 2020

Mayor Barrett Pedersen was awarded the Outstanding Eagle Scout Award by the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) and the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). This prestigious honor is given to an Eagle Scout who has uncommonly demonstrated his commitment to making our community a better place to live, and to achieving career and life success. This award is rarely presented..


Mayor_Chanel_5  Mayor_fest

NBC-5 Chicago chose Franklin Park as part of their ‘Make A Difference’ series.

They broadcasted live from our Fest on Friday. Fest goers were fascinated with the Storm Chaser and Storm Tracker trucks on-site. Throughout the week, NBC and Telemundo ran stories highlighting our Village, our heritage, our businesses, our citizens and our community spirit. They focused on our ‘Year of Giving’ promotion that encourages volunteerism. It was great to be able to showcase our town and let NBC viewers discover what we already know- - Franklin Park is a great place to live, work and raise a family!


Village Celebrates Demolition of Former Motorola Headquarters and Digital Realty Expansion

On January 25, 2017, the Village of Franklin Park and Digital Realty held Demolition Day at the former headquarters of Motorola, a vacant 750,000 SF facility located at 9401 Grand Avenue in Franklin Park. WBBM Newsradio's report on the event can be listened to at chicago.cbslocal.com.

The San Francisco-based data center firm Digital Realty purchased the 18.5-acre site in 2016, which has sat vacant for over 20 years. Digital Realty plans to demolish the property’s existing offices and warehouse structures in order to build a new 470,000 square foot data storage center and a 78,000 square foot ComEd substation. Digital Realty is the world’s largest data center firm, owning and managing technology-based real estate and digital infrastructure for cloud-based computing globally. The firm operates 156 data centers across 4 continents and 11 countries. Digital Realty originally selected the Franklin Park location due to its close proximity to multiple fiber providers and utility substations, as well as its convenient access to O’Hare International Airport and Chicago’s downtown.

According the Village Mayor Barrett Pedersen, “The Village is thrilled to grow with Digital Realty. This demolition marks a historic return of tech-based investment and innovation to the Village.” The proposed data center is an expansion of Digital Realty’s existing 23-acre data storage campus, located directly east at 9333-9377 Grand Avenue. The campus consists of 3 buildings totaling 575,000 square feet. While still in its final phase of construction, the facilities will soon be fully leased. After the redevelopment of 9401 Grand Avenue, Digital Realty’s Franklin Park campus will encompass 41 acres of land. Digital Realty’s demolition of the building and redevelopment of the property will create a significant number of high-tech and construction jobs and generate substantial property and electrical transaction taxes.

You can watch the video of the Demolition Day event here .....


Spread the News!

Do you enjoy our great Franklin Park restaurants and retail establishments? Appreciate the good service you received from a local business? Then help us spread the word! One of the best ways you can support our businesses is to post your positive experiences on websites such as Yelp, Trip Advisor or Angie’s List. Let everybody know what great businesses we have in Franklin Park and help them grow. You can encourage others to try your favorite dish or use a valuable service. Also, consider posting your review as a comment on our Village’s Facebook page. Let’s spread the news about Franklin Park’s attributes and successes!


Andrea Bocelli had dinner at Pescatore Palace after performing at the Allstate Arena in June of 2016. The world-renowned singer often dines at the restaurant when he is in town because he loves the great food and appreciates how the staff treats him like family.

Meet Voodoo!

The newest member of our Franklin Park Police Department. Voodoo is a valuable asset to law enforcement and to our officers. She helps in many ways including sniffing out illegal drugs, explosives and even helping to find missing persons. She also serves as a deterrent to potential troublemakers. She has been sworn in and is on the job! Voodoo is a big help, but she is also nice to have around!


Did You Know?

 Our aggressive economic development efforts have resulted in the Village of Franklin Park receiving $70.5 million in grant funding for projects & infrastructure improvements.

In 2020 & 2021, redevelopment efforts resulted in approximately 3.6 million gallons of new stormwater storage, which helps prevent flooding.

The Franklin Park Enterprise Zone Program has helped to facilitate over $31.5 million in new construction in 2020 and 2021




Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Presents Mayor Barrett Pedersen with an Award

Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) President Mariyana Spyropoulos and Chairman of Finance Frank Avila presented Mayor Barrett Pedersen with a special award recently. The award is in recognition of the Village of Franklin Park’s commitment to the health and welfare of our residents and the environment by utilizing natural lawn care on all Village-owned properties and for encouraging and educating residents and businesses about natural lawn care techniques.


Illinois EPA and West Cook County Grant

A grant for $1,000 from the Illinois EPA and West Cook County Solid Waste Agency has allowed the Village to plant new trees and to establish a butterfly garden west of the gazebo located at 9501 Belmont Avenue. Thank you for helping to beautify our town!



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