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Monday, May 23, 2011

Let's Move Presentation

07:00 PM - 08:30 PM

Village Hall
9500 Belmont Avenue
Franklin Park, US-IL , 60131

(847) 671-4800

Let’s Move is First Lady Michelle Obama’s campaign to end childhood obesity within a generation.  The Let’s Move Cities and Towns initiative seeks to engage city/town leadership in using the tools at their disposal to make a meaningful impact on the health and wellbeing of children in their community.
By joining Let’s Move Cities and Towns the Village will have the opportunity to have our initiatives highlighted by the Let's Move agency and the White House, create stronger community partnerships, be better prepared to leverage funding opportunities as they become available, potentially bring new resources to our community through public/private partnerships, and make our Village a better, healthier place to live.
To participate as a Let’s Move town, the Village is asked to perform at least one significant action under each of the four pillars.  Some examples are below:
  1. Giving Parents and Caregivers the Tools They Need to Make Healthy Choices in Early Childhood
    • Encourage local hospitals to participate in the Baby Friendly Hospitals Initiative
    • Work with local child care centers to reduce “screen time” in childcare settings 
    • Work with local restaurant owners to post calorie information 
    • Launch a city website with information for parents on healthy living
  2. Improving Nutrition in Schools
    • Encourage local schools to join the Healthier US Schools challenge
    • Create school or community gardens to provide fresh fruits and vegetables
  3. Increasing Physical Activity Opportunities 
  4. Making Healthy Food Affordable and Accessible
    • Create partnerships to bring Farmer's Markets to food desert areas
    • Encourage community-based organizations in your city to apply for Community Food Systems Programs funding
    • Increase access to water in schools and municipal parks

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