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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Earth Day Celebration

12:00 PM - 02:00 PM


Centre at North Park
10040 W. Addison
Franklin Park, US-IL, 60131

(847) 928-8478

The Park District of Franklin Park invites everyone to celebrate Earth Day on Saturday, April 27th from noon to 2:00pm.  Bring the whole family to learn more about how you can help conserve energy and save the environment.
This year’s event will include kite flying, music, games, crafts, and interactive booths featuring energy saving exhibits and information about conservation provided by area organizations and companies.  Meet live reptiles and animals, and explore the nature garden at North Park.
This fun, family-oriented event is held outdoors at the Centre at North Park, located at 10040 Addison.  Admission is FREE!  For more information, please call 847-455-2852.

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