Director of Community Development and Zoning
Nicholas Walny
(847) 671-8278
Senior Planner
Ryan Adriatico
(847) 671-8276
Village Planner
Rudolph Repa
(847) 671-8229
2024 Zoning Board of Appeals Schedule
Applications for Amendments, Conditional Use Permits, Subdivisions, Variances, and all Zoning Cases must be complete upon submission and submitted on or before the following due dates in order to be accepted and heard at the next Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Meeting.
Hearing Date |
Application Due Date |
January 3 |
December 1 |
February 7 |
January 5 |
March 6 |
February 2 |
April 3 |
March 1 |
May 1 |
March 28 |
June 5 |
May 3 |
July 3 |
May 31 |
August 7 |
July 5 |
September 4 |
August 2 |
October 2 |
August 30 |
November 6 |
October 4 |
December 4 |
November 1 |
The Zoning Administrator executes and enforces the Zoning Code for the Village of Franklin Park. The Zoning Code can be found in Title 9 of the Franklin Park Village Code.
The zoning classification of a particular property can be found using the interactive zoning map.

Zoning Relief
The Zoning Administrator serves as staff liaison to the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA). The ZBA reviews and hears all formal appeals for zoning relief whether through direct application to the Board or as an appeal of a decision made by the Zoning Administrator after a review of the Zoning Code. Please contact the Zoning Department for details when beginning the application process.
Applications for Zoning Relief can include:
Conditional Use
Subdivision and Resubdivision

Zoning Ordinance Update
September 1, 2022
A new Zoning Ordinance is now in effect. The previous version of the Village’s Zoning Code was written in 1974 and amended countless times, so a comprehensive update of the ordinance was necessary. Shaped by the vision and goals outlined in the Village’s Comprehensive Plan, Downtown Zoning Code, and O’Hare Industrial Plan, the update will help facilitate modern redevelopment that encourages emerging industries, promotes sustainable practices, and revitalizes commercial corridors while respecting existing conditions in the Village.
With feedback from community stakeholders under the guidance and assistance of Camiros, the code also contains features such as well-organized tables and detailed illustrations, diagrams, and definitions to ensure that the ordinance is more user friendly and easier to follow for residents, businesses, and contractors that are working to improve their properties.
Full Zoning Ordinance
Zoning Map