Village of Franklin Park
Police Department
9451 W. Belmont
Franklin Park, IL 60131
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency: (847) 678-2444
Records: (847) 671-8200
Fax: (847) 233-9152
Records Hours: Monday through
Friday, 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Over 80% of calls made to 9-1-1 come from mobile phones. When you dial 9-1-1 from a mobile phone, the 9-1-1 call takers have very little information to help you – only your phone number and a very general sense of your location. This could be a serious problem in an emergency when seconds count, particularly if you or your loved ones have medical conditions, or are unable to safely speak.
The new Smart 911 App provides call takers and first responders with the critical information needed in any kind of emergency. Call takers can view your address, medical information, home information, description of pets and vehicles, and emergency contacts. You can provide as much or as little information as you like. Smart 911 is a national service meaning it travels with you and is visible to any participating 9-1-1 center nationwide.
You can also sign up for notifications from the National Weather Service based on your current location, including tornado warnings, flash flood warnings, and severe thunderstorm warnings based on your real time location. You can also include alerts regarding traffic, road closures, Amber alerts, police pursuits and other emergencies. Residents who have registered to receive these alerts can view them even when they don’t have cell service.
Search “Smart 911” in your mobile app store or text “Smart 911” to 67283 to receive the download link via text message.