Ordinance Amends Overnight Parking Rules
Beginning on July 1, vehicles parked on Village residential streets between the hours of 2 - 6 AM will be required to display a valid Village vehicle sticker, a placard or an overnight parking permit or they will be ticketed. The new parking placard is an option for residents who bring a small business vehicle, that is registered outside of Franklin Park, to their home and need to park it in the Village overnight.
Also beginning on July 1, the Franklin Park Police Station will no longer take requests for overnight parking for guests over the phone. Overnight parking permits will only be available for purchase in person at the Police Station. For more information, call 847-671-8200 or attend the Community Presentation on June 18 at 6:30 at the Police Station. You can learn more about these changes by reading a Village Press Release and the Village's June Newsletter.
You may also download a Fact Sheet Regarding Overnight Parking Changes.
Village Receives Award for Financial Reporting for the 10th Year in a Row
The Village has received the Government Finance Officers Association's Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for ten consecutive years! The award is the highest form of recognition in government accounting and financial reporting and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management. Recognition of our exemplary financial procedures and the work we have done to stabilize our finances has earned Franklin Park an A+ bond rating from Standard & Poor one of the country's top rating agencies as well.
Government Finance Officers Association's Certificate
Finance Department
The Finance Department provides most licensing services, water and sewer billing services and all accounting services for the Village. For information about a specific service, please click the corresponding link on the left side of this page.

2024-25 Vehicle Sticker Information
Renewal applications for the Village’s 2024-25 vehicle sticker will be mailed at the end of May. Every vehicle (including cars, trucks, and motorcycles) that is owned by or registered to a Franklin Park resident is required to have a valid vehicle sticker to operate or store the vehicle.
A valid vehicle sticker allows you to park on most Village streets, but you still must obey parking restrictions posted on signs. For example, having a Village vehicle sticker does not mean you can park on streets that indicate “Resident Parking Only” because that means only residents who live on that street can park there.
Passenger car stickers cost $30. Seniors receive one free vehicle sticker per household. Also, active-duty service members of the U.S. Armed Forces receive one free vehicle sticker per household. Veterans pay a reduced rate of $15 for one vehicle sticker per household. Owners of electric vehicles receive a free vehicle sticker and hybrid vehicles pay a reduced rate of $15.
To renew online: Franklin Park V-Pay (green-pay.us)
You may also renew stickers via mail or by using the Village Hall parking lot drop box to avoid long lines to purchase stickers at Village Hall. Renew early to avoid a processing back-up causing a long wait to receive your sticker. If you have questions, call (847) 671-4800.
This year’s vehicle stickers celebrate the 100th anniversary of Leyden High Schools District 212. The design on the left was drawn by Noelly Delgado and the design on the right was drawn by Jonathan Gonzalez, two talented art students at East Leyden. The designs celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Leyden High Schools.
The Village of Franklin Park's Online Bill Pay

Make a Water/Sewer/Garbage Payment using E-PAY
Welcome to the Village of Franklin Park's Online Bill Pay. As part of our on-going effort to improve services, we are now offering this new payment option to our residents and businesses. We hope you will find it easy and convenient to use. Payments for Water/Sewer/Garbage can be made using MasterCard, Visa and Discover.
If you are experiencing problems with this service, please call (847) 671-4800.
Please note: There is NO convenience or any other fee charged to residents for this service. The prior note that appeared here was posted in error. We apologize for any inconvenience.
*Water Rate Information*
The rates for water, sewer and garbage services are assessed in compliance with Village Code. To see current rate information, please click here. Please note that each June, the water rate will increase to reflect the increase levied by the City of Chicago and from the Village of Franklin Park. This increase will be applied to July bills.
Use the Drop Box to Facilitate Business with the Village
Village Hall is open with limited hours. Village staff is available to conduct business via email or over the phone on Monday through Friday until 4:30 PM. Also, you can utilize the drop box located in the parking lot of Village Hall anytime.
Please do not put cash in the drop box. If a document does not fit, call the respective department and special arrangements can be made. For more information, call (847) 671- 4800. You can use the drop box for the following:
- Water Bill Payments
- Vehicle Sticker Payments
- Permit Applications and Fees
- Zoning Applications
- Freedom of Information Act Requests (FOIAs)
- Garage Sale Registrations
- Yard Party Registrations
- Handicapped Application Forms
- Business License Payments
- Grass Cutting/Snow Removal Payments