Drainage & Sewer Cost Share Programs
In response to continued drainage complaints on private properties, the Village has developed two programs to assist residents with private property flooding issues. Under these programs the Village will reimburse residents up to 50% of the costs to help minimize the frequency and/or severity of future flooding. To be eligible for reimbursement, the application must be approved by the Engineering Department and a Building Permit obtained before the work is completed. For more information, contact the Engineering Department.
Rear Yard Drainage Cost Share Program
This program is intended to reduce standing water in low areas on private property. Low areas in rear yards are very common in highly urbanized areas like Franklin Park and can range in severity from nuisance ponding to structural flooding. The cost share program will provide residents financial assistance along with design guidance from village staff to solve these problems. To apply for the Rear Yard Drainage Cost Share Program, please complete an application, which can be downloaded here and submit it to the Engineering Department.
Overhead Sewer Cost Share Program
This program is intended to assist residents with installing overhead sewers in their homes. Many older homes in the Village have gravity sewer systems that can back up when the village's main line combined sewer is overloaded during heavy storm events. Modifying the plumbing inside the home to an overhead system can dramatically reduce the frequency and/or severity of backups into the basement. Overhead sewers provide additional protection to homes from sewer back-ups as a result of the village sewers being overburdened from heavy storm events. To apply for the Overhead Sewer Cost Share Program, please complete an application, which can be downloaded here and submit it to the Engineering Department.