
Health Department
9500 Belmont
Franklin Park, IL 60131
Email the Health Department

Lisa Anthony
Director of Health and Human Resources
(847) 671-8240
Email Lisa Anthony


Below are links to websites of special services within our community. If there is a site you would like to see added to this page, please contact the Health Department using the contact information on the right side of this page.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Greater Family Health

Leyden Family Services

Youth Outreach Services

Catvando Feline Trap Neuter Return Program

Alley Cat Allies

Humane Society of the United States - Feral Cats

Franklin Discount Drug
9735 W Franklin Ave.
Phone 847-455-5786
Fax: 847-455-5941
Raj Lodhavia RHP
Pharmacy Manager

Summer Cooling Centers

Please take proper warm weather precautions. Check on the elderly during this very important time. Young children and the elderly are extremely susceptible to heat related injuries and illnesses so it is imperative that we continue to monitor their well-being.

Cooling centers are located at 9560 Franklin Avenue, the Franklin Park Community Center and at 10001 Addison at the Fire Department Headquarters. The cooling centers will be open from 8:00am to 9:00pm. The Franklin Park Police Station at 9451 Belmont Avenue will also be available Monday through Friday, from 6AM to 10PM.

The Franklin Park non-emergency number is 847-678-2444. There is an operator at this number 24 hours a day so you can call it at any time if you have a question or concern. As always, please call 911 if your concern and/or situation is an emergency.

©2025 - Village of Franklin Park  9500 Belmont Avenue, Franklin Park, IL 60131   tel: (847) 671-4800    Terms & ConditionsIPrivacy PolicyISitemap