Village Board

Police Station 1

park colorful





Tree City



Park 1



Native landscaping


jazz night


RR Daze 2

Construction Updates
Meetings and Agendas
Pay Bills
Permits and Licenses
Report a Problem
Frequently Asked Questions
Interactive Maps
Public Notifications
Quiet Zone Update
Report Horn Sounding







Long Term Care Counseling Available

Need Help Applying for Government Programs? 

Leyden Family Services will be at Village Hall on the third Wednesday of the month to help residents who have questions or need help applying for government programs including Medicare, Medicaid, and LIHEAP. Staff can also help with understanding medical bills, prescription assistance, and more. Bring your Social Security award letter and paycheck stubs that show the amount of income you receive. No appointment is necessary.  Scheduled Village Hall dates are from 9 AM to Noon:

January 15th, February 19th,

March 19th, April 16th,

May 21st, June 18th,

July 16th, August 20th,

Sept 17th, October 15th,

November 19th, and December 17th

A Veterans Affairs specialist from Leyden Township will also be available each session to discuss your benefits.



National Permit Discharge Elimination System Permit

Leyden Township Senior Services

Leyden Township offers a variety of services to its Senior Citizens and the Disabled. 

More Information

Call 847-455-8616 to learn more or visit the Leyden Township Senior Services.







Watch for Scams

If you receive something in the mail requesting the need to
have a worker conduct a test or an inspection in your home, 
review the information carefully to verify if it is really from
the Village
. If you are unsure, please contact the Village at
(847) 671-4800 or call the Police Department at (847) 678-2444.

As a reminder, residents should always ask for identification
from anyone requesting access to their home. If you are
approached by an individual claiming to be a Village of
Franklin Park employee or a worker from a local utility,
make sure they have proper identification. You can also
check to see that they are driving a clearly marked Village
of Franklin Park or utility company vehicle. 
If something
seems suspicious or it just doesn’t “feel” right to you, please
call the Franklin Park Police Department at 847-678-2444




Early Voting Available at Village Hall for April 1 Election

March 17 – March 22 – Monday through Saturday: 9 AM to 5 PM

March 23 – Sunday: 10 AM to 4 PM

March 24 - March 29 - Monday through Saturday: 9 AM to 5 PM

March 30 - Sunday: 10 AM to 4 PM

March 31 - Monday - 9 AM to 5 PM

Village Hall is not a polling place on Election Day, you must cast your ballot at your designated Polling Place on Election Day. If you have questions, please contact the Clerk’s Office at (847) 671- 8242. Voters are asked to enter the Early Voting area via the parking lot.

Electrical Aggregation Questions

MC Squared Energy Services, LLC (mc2), was selected to serve eligible residents and small business customers with this program. If you have questions about the electric aggregation program, a letter you may have received in the mail, or if you need assistance, email mc2 at or call toll free 1-833-505-3751, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  
Please note that letters were mailed in mid-March by mc2 to a limited number of residents. If you have questions, call 1-833-505-3751.

Franklin Park Fest – Save the Date

Franklin Park Fest will be held June 12 - 15. Musical Entertainment Announced Fest Page



Saturday Dates for Passport Services at the Library - February 22 & March 22

Are you planning a vacation out of the country this summer? Don’t forget your passport! For your convenience, the Clerk’s Office will provide services at the Franklin Park Library on Saturday February 22 and March 22. These Saturday sessions will be by appointment only from 10 AM to 3 PM and will include on-site photo services to schedule your appointment or if you have a question, call the Clerk’s Office at (847) 671-8242.

Reserve Your Garden Box in the Community Garden

Now is the time to reserve your raised bed garden box in the Community Garden, located west of Village Hall. Garden beds are available to residents free of charge, on a first come, first served basis. The gardener is responsible for weeding and maintaining their boxes. Sprinklers will be set up in late Spring, and until then each gardener is responsible for watering their own box. There is a limit of one garden box per household. If you would like to reserve or if you have questions, please email

Free Tax Preparation Services Available for Seniors

Triton College’s Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is offering free tax preparation services to individuals aged 60 or older from low to moderate income households (annual maximum of $67k). IRS trained and certified volunteers will prepare tax returns for free. This service is available by appointment only at Triton College, Leyden Township, the Schiller Park Community Center Seniors Assistance Center in Norridge and several other locations in the area. To make an appointment, call (708) 456-0300, ext. 3895. For more information about the program, call (708) 456-0300, ext. 3835. This service is made possible by a grant-funded IRS program called Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE).

Program Provides Coverage for Outside Water Lines

A letter was recently mailed to residents about the Service Line Warranty Program that covers the consumer-owned portion of the primary water line from the foundation of the home to the public utility connection. The program includes coverage for repair to the clogged, broken or leaking line serving the residential home when the flow of the line is interrupted due to normal wear and tear.

To read more about this program, what it covers and how to enroll: Public Works Page

You can also contact the company directly for details about the letter and other coverage.


Apply NOW for Sidewalk Program

The Village is accepting applications now for the 50/50 Sidewalk Program to replace damaged and cracked concrete on the public sidewalk near your home. Homeowners and the Village will share the cost evenly. Please call (847) 671-8308 to be placed on the list for repair this summer. The Village will contact you to make an appointment to discuss the details. If you apply after May 30, 2025, you will be placed on the list for next year.

Overhead Traffic Signal Planned in Response to Accidents

The Village insisted that the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) install a temporary overhead traffic signal at the intersection of Edgington Street and Belmont Avenue. Belmont Avenue is a state route, and the overhead light must be approved by the State. The action is in response to several serious crashes that have occurred at the intersection. Village staff have submitted preliminary plans to IDOT for review and hope to have the temporary traffic signal in place by summer 2025. 
One of the leading causes of all accidents is distracted driving. Drivers should not be texting at any time. Please do not text and drive, you may save the life of a child.

Cold Weather Safety - Warming Centers Available

When temperatures drop, remember to take action to stay safe. Limit time outdoors. Watch for signs of frostbite including skin that is whitish and stiff and will feel numb rather than painful. Wear several layers of lightweight clothing and keep your head and ears covered and cover your mouth with to protect your lungs. Wear mittens rather than fingered gloves. If you are traveling in a car, bring extra clothing to keep warm in case of a breakdown. Remember also to limit the time your pets spend out of doors.

Take steps to protect your pipes from freezing. Open cabinet doors to warm up the pipes. You can prevent freezing by keeping a small trickle of water running through the pipes on extra cold days.

To see a list of area Warming Centers: Warming Centers



High Water Bills Could Mean You Have a Leak

To avoid unusually high-water bills, check to make sure that your faucets and toilets are not leaking or running and that they are in good operating condition. If you suspect there is a leak somewhere in your home and you need help locating it, schedule an appointment with the Village’s Water Department, by emailing  ekubkowski with your name, address, and phone number.  Also, check the top of your water bill for the type of reading you received. If your bill states ESTIMATED, please call (847) 671-8252 to schedule an appointment to obtain an accurate reading.

Have Questions About Water Bills? Download our Fact Sheet here


Fakty! Odpowiedzi na pytania dotyczące rachunkow za wode

Download the presentation regarding water bills and equipment upgrades: WATER BILLING


WaterSmart Program Can Save You Money

Franklin Park residents can sign-up to have access to a program designed to help you reduce your water usage and save money on your monthly water bills. WaterSmart is an online program that allows users to review and understand their water use. Setting up an account is fast, easy and free from a computer, tablet or smartphone.

Users can analyze current water use and also review usage history from monthly figures even down to an hourly use. The program also allows you to set up alerts via text or email to help you detect leaks or other unintended water use. In addition, you can compare your water use with other similar users in your area. To enroll, please call (847) 671-8252.


Climate Resiliency Plan

The Village is working with Cook County to create a climate resiliency plan and is working to engage residents to understand climate hazards, set goals, and identify and prioritize actions. The effort seeks to improve Franklin Park’s resiliency to the effects of climate change, including severe weather events such as heavy rain, flooding and extreme heat. Franklin Park will also receive funding to support actions to manage stormwater through green infrastructure, plant and maintain trees, and promote residents’ health and well-being. Email questions or sign up for updates by contacting

To learn more: (download Fact Sheets)






Mayor’s Column – March 2025

Village-wide Improvements Announced

Construction will begin this summer to install new curb bulbs on 25th Avenue at Chestnut Avenue. The curb bulb will enhance pedestrian safety at the intersection which is used by area residents and schoolchildren.

A curb bulb out creates a slight extension of the curb into the roadway at an intersection, which narrows the road and forces drivers to slow down. It also improves pedestrian safety by shortening the crossing distance and increasing visibility for drivers.

Currently at this intersection, there are Pedestrian Crossing signs with flashing warning beacons on timers, one in each direction on 25th Avenue. There are also two signs at Chestnut and 25th that have a push button to allow pedestrians to activate flashers when crossing.

Please remember to always drive cautiously, especially near school zones. Observing and complying with speed limits, traffic signs, and warnings is important and could save a life. Also, pedestrians should always obey traffic signs and follow the directions of school crossing guards.

Eliminating Eyesores Makes Our Town More Attractive

The Village has been working hard to eliminate vacant and run-down properties throughout town. One such project is underway and when completed, it will greatly enhance the attractiveness of the area.

Demolition is in progress on the now closed Pure Nightclub (also known as SOP to old timers)on River Road at Robinson Road. Soon the property will be cleared, and an attractive new public space will be developed that will include lush landscaping and a new welcome sign. The site is at the entrance to the Robinson Area Subdivision and last year a new traffic light was installed to increase safety and help with traffic flow. In addition, this summer, the Village will repave the streets in the area, which includes Crescent Drive, Birch Street, Lombard Street, and Martens Street.

New Downtown Signage is Attractive and Informative

The Village will install new signage throughout the downtown area this spring. The attractive and helpful signage will include welcome to downtown, directional, public park, and parking lot signage. Also, downtown directory signage will be posted for pedestrians. The new signage will enhance the look and feel of the downtown district and will also direct

residents and visitors to parking lots, the business corridor, and other public buildings and areas such as Village Hall, Metra Stations, Park District facilities, area parks, and more.


Mayor Barrett Pedersen

Senior Appreciation Luncheon 2025



Does Your Water Bill State Estimated


Learn about how to avoid unusually high-water bills and the online program that will help to reduce your water usage.




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Inscríbete para recibir las noticias de nuestra comunidad en Español llamando al (847) 671-8236 o por correo al Email Mayors Office


Jeśli chcielibyście Państwo otrzymywać nasz biuletyn lub inne informacje w języku polskim, prosimy o kontakt pod numerem (847) 671-8252 lub na email Email Ewelina Kubkowski

©2025 - Village of Franklin Park  9500 Belmont Avenue, Franklin Park, IL 60131   tel: (847) 671-4800    Terms & ConditionsIPrivacy PolicyISitemap